The first night is over and she was pretty good. I put her in her crate at 10:30 last night and she was whining for no more then 5 minutes, before she went quiet (although I have to admit, it were probably the longest minutes of my life
). She woke up at 5 this morning and I took her out for a wee and then we continued to sleep until 7am. Since then she was outside in the yard (it's pouring rain) and after that she was under the couch fast asleep.
I figured she enjoys sleeping under the couch, she did that last night as well when I was on the phone with my friend Emi.
I think we are slowly figuring out the poo and wee thingy. We only had one wee in the house today compared to like 15 yesterday. She is now either letting me know by "dancing around" but most of the time she just goes outside and gets lot's of praise afterwards.
She has a mad 30-60 minutes phase usually every 2-3 hours in which she is like a little tornado and after that she is pooped out and needs a nap (like now, where she is lying next to me on the couch. Apart from that she seems to be alright to entertain herself on her own for a little while.
And here is a video from yesterday about 30 minutes after she moved in:
Well I am puppy proofing the last bits and pieces of my home and am making sure no cable are around anywhere. So far I am all set for the little one I guess. I have food and water bowl, training pads for toilet training, lead, collar, puppy toys (including Kong), books on how to teach tricks and how to keep the dog busy throughout the day, I have checked out a vet and am actively looking for puppy classes, the crate is set up already for a couple weeks and the countdown to take Jessie home has started today.
Friday it is!
5 more days alone
Gee I am excited!
Jessie is now 6 weeks old, only two more until she will be home. I honestly can't wait. I have bought a crate yesterday for her and it is now sitting in the living room proudly awaiting Jessie (obviously with some toys already in there). I am still waiting for some Kongs that I ordered and need to buy a food and water bowl before I am all set.