I know I haven't updated in a while and I try to be better but Jessie is keeping me busy
We had some puppy play time this afternoon in the park and I have now a very tired Toller... Before the playtime, we walked around the lake in the park and there was kind of a festival with lot's of people... was kind of a bad idea from me to walk that way but my attention loving Toller loved it...
Here are some pis from the playtime, being the youngest of them all didn't matter to Jessie...

essie was out all afternoon and is now very sleepy...

Here are a couple pictures from this morning before we went out. Unfortunately by batteries are empty, so I didn't take the camera outside with me.

Watching me clean in the morning is making her tired:

AndI just love this one:
Mommy stop it with the pictures already and let's go outside

I went to meet up with my friend Angelica and her GSH Leona yesterday morning. We went to a huge green field in front of the beach and the dogs had a very good time and played a lot together, despite Leona being a year older (and despite the wind). We also went down to the beach and Jessie had a blast in the sand and was following Leona around everywhere. She was also true to her form and went up to everyone to get a couddle. On our way back to the cars I kind of lost Jessie for about 2 minutes. She was walking next to Angelica and I kept an eye on her and suddenly she was gone
. I knew she was there 30 seconds ago and I couldn’t explain where she could have gone as it was a plain green field (with some hills). I called her: nothing! I called again: nothing! And she usually is pretty good at her recall. We went a couple steps back, no Jessie. I called again and suddenly she came panting up the hill on the site, as if to say I am here mummy! I am OK! I knew before she was pretty close to the edge, which is why I kept an eye on here and she must have tumbled down but those 2 min. where probably the longest in my life.
Unfortunately I don’t have any pics as I forgot the camera at home
Jessie had her first swim today. We've been to the park as normal and she was her normal self tolling around the lake. So far she was only in with her feet and today she played around, didn't pay attention and in she was at the deep end! She was a bit surprised initially but was doing well after the first shock. It was fun to see her swim, I was so proud of her, although it was an accident, but my two previous dogs both didn't do any swimming.