Sunday, 19 April 2009

Jesmond Dene

I took Jessie out this morning at 8am for a walk around Saltwell Park. We walked around first and on our way back, Jessie wanted to say hello to a little Jack Russel in the dog compound. I was only going to get in for 5 minutes as Jessie usually doesn't play in the compund but this time she did. The little Jack Russel was all over her and keep jumping in her face but she was great with him and let him chase her around and she was really playing with him. Later on they were joined by Nico, a 4 year old Husky and Jessie and him had a fun time. They were chasing each other and did so puncing on each other. Eventually we left (it was 9:30am) and Jessie went home to sleep for a little, while I went in the office for 2 hours to catch up on some work.

In the afternoon I wanted to take her to Water Gate Park but since I was already in town and had a Metro ticket, I thought I might as well take her to Jesmond Dene. So we left the house at 1pm and walked along the Tyne and through Newcastle to Jesmond. Jessie enjoyed the time, she was dead good (apart from trying to find a way in the Tyne) and when we arrived in Jesmond Dene, she was all hyper and jumped straight in the water. I tried to get her to swim again and after some interesting tires, she went in the water and swam to get her ball (for mayb 5 seconds). I am sure by the end of summer we will get there so that she is swimming. We both had a great time out and got back home a 5:30pm. We were both so exhausted, we took the Metro home, Jessie in her usual self fell asleep on the Metro as always.

Once we got home Jessie had some fresh chicken, spinach, pineapple and carrots for dinne while I had pasta with bolognese sauce and now the little rascal is all sleepy and actually asleep on my feet.

Videos from todays walk

Here are some videos from our walk today, unfortunately the color is not too good but at least you can now see how Jessie tries to convince the ball to come back to her

Jessie palying in the water and then quickly following me

Jessie trying to convince the ball to come to her

Last but not least one video in which she swims a little bit

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Dog Classes

Jessie and me went to the dog class this morning and she was a little star. Sure most of what we did was fairly easy and she knows it already but she is always much better doing all this stuff outside then inside. Let me tell you she was brilliant, got lot's of praise and didn't show me up :-) We are having the classes inside and she was so focused on me, the other dogs didn't bother her at all and she did show them up quite a bit for doing everything right on the first try... :-)

Right now she is tired from all the training and the time we spend outside, so she is laying in the sitting room sleeping

Monday, 13 April 2009

Swimming or the attempt ;-)

Last night at about 8:30pm, I was asked if I can work night shift, as someone from the team was sick and we could not find anyone to cover. The same happened on Friday night but because of the obedience class on Saturday morning, I said I couldn't, last night though, I went into work at 10pm.

I got home about 7.30 this morning and found Jessie deep asleep on the bed ;-) once she woke up, we went for a walk and then I went to bed for a couple hours. I had the back door open, so Jessie could go in and out as she pleased but I think she spend most time under the bes sleeping.

I woke up at 1pm and was sill tired but thought I better get up. After some lunch, I took Jessie back to Water Gate Park. Like yesterday she enjoyed her time but this time he didn't end up as muddy as yesterday. For the last hour we played fetch near the lake and I tried to convince her to go in the water to swim. As much as she loves water, she will not swim, she goes up to her belly and that's it. I was keeo trowing the ball in and she ran in the water and waited for the current to bring it closer so she would not need to swim. She was also barking a lot at the ball (as if telling him to come back). Eventually she did swim 4 or 5 times for a little bit to get the ball and I was so proud of my little girl. When it's a bit warmer I will go in the water with her to see if that encourages her. Unfortunately I have no pics from the walk, as I left my camera at home but I have this one of her laying next to me now that we are home. She is exhausted :-)

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from Jessie and me!
I know it's been ages since I posted here but now that I have my internet back since Thursday, I should improve this in the next couple weeks :-)
OK, so what happened since? Yesterday, Jessie and me started with a new obedience class, well yesterday it was just me going there, since it was orientation, paper work etc. Ame and Jippy will be going there too and I am sure those two (Jessie and Jippy) will create some exitement ;-) I am really looking forward to this, although a lot of the first couple sessions will be repetition for Jessie but that's OK.
I also started Jessie on the BARF diet now. I was reading up on it for about a year and eventually I took the plunge and did it. I was worried initially as it sounded so complicated but it's not. For the last 2 weeks, I was slowly getting her away from the dry food and today, it was all chicken and vegetable that she had, no more dry food :-) She enjoys her new food much more and I will see how the next couple weeks go.
This morning Jessie and me went for a walk in Saltwell Park, we met Tina with Charlie half way though and Jessie and him had a blast playing with each other.
At around 12pm, I took Jessie out to Water Gate Forest Park. It was nice and sunny and Jessie enjoyed playing, running, retriving and meeting all the other dogs. Here are some pictures from today's 3.5 hour walk:

At the beginning of our walk


The shade is lovely mom

more retrieving


mum the mud is good

Afterwards Jessie was all muddy

lovely color

playing in the stream

getting clean

Jessie went swimming and then ran out of the water like crazy to get dry ;-)

playing with another dog in the water

now I am tired