I just started a new job on Monday this week and due to this don't have much time to update. I am still with the same company but moved to a different client; very exciting times but also very busy right now as we have just gone live.
The girls are doing fine. Lily was at the vet last week for her blood tests and hopefully we get the results and the pet passport back soon. On Saturday, Jessie ended up in a fight with a big staffi/bulldog cross; he was new in the dog park and the owner said that whereever he goes, he takes over the alpha role. He was trying it with every dog in the park and everyone backed down apart from Jessie. Jessie told him off and he backed down and she showed him that she was and continued to be Alpha. Nothing happened to her, I checked her for bite marks etc but she was fine but it was scary to watch.
Sunday I took the girls up to Water Gate Park and we had a lovely morning walk around the fields, woods and lake. Jessie was playing in the water in her usual way (up to her belly) and Lily was joining her. I tried to coax Jessie into swimming by throwing the ball but she was only barking at the ball in the water to come back to her. Next thing I know, somthing red, small and fluffy launched her self in the water and swam to get the ball and bring it back. Lily was drenched after that but I think she enjoyed it.
Lily is getting very good on the retrieving side; she could play ball all day with me if I let her :-)
Today I am off and I took Jessie to the vet. She had problems with her anal glands and we had them emptied. She did not appreciate that at all and showed the vet what a nice back flip she can do :-)
It was the first time in 3 month that I had Jessie out without Lily and I really appreciated having just Jessie around. As much as I say her nickname is Trouble, she is actually a lovely, good natured dog. I had no pulling, she walked heel without me telling her, stopped at each road etc it was so relaxing.
Don't get me wrong Lily is lovely too and I would not give any of them up but they are two different characters, where Jessie is laid back and calm, a people dog and extremely mature for her age, who loves nothing more then to get cuddles, Lily is a bouncy puppy with too much energy, always on the go and a retrieving fool, who prefers dogs to people and who is still not learning that her teeth are too sharp :-)
They are the perfect mix, Jessie is getting more active and hopefully Lily will calm down one day :-)
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Pictures of the last month
I know I haven't been updating this for a while but work and the girls kept me busy and away from the PC. Both girls are doing fine and enjoy each others company. Jessie is much more active with Lily around and plays more with other dogs, it's a real joy to be out with them and see them just enjoying playing around. Lily has a great insting to retrieve and is easy to train. I have good hopes that she will be able to do quite well in just about anything :-)
Lily is growing nicely, she had her 4 motnh check up in the begining of September and was 6.92 kilos at 18 weeks and I was told that she is growing in the righ proportion.
She was back at the vets last Friday for her rabies vaccination and I had her weight checked again and at nearly 5 month she is 7.5 kilos. We have to get back to the vet on Friday 23.10. for blood test and then I should hopefully have her pet passport and next summer she will be able to travel to Europe (that is if we are going). We haven't planned anything yet but better get the passport started as early as possible.
Below you fill find pictures that I took during September.

Lily is growing nicely, she had her 4 motnh check up in the begining of September and was 6.92 kilos at 18 weeks and I was told that she is growing in the righ proportion.
She was back at the vets last Friday for her rabies vaccination and I had her weight checked again and at nearly 5 month she is 7.5 kilos. We have to get back to the vet on Friday 23.10. for blood test and then I should hopefully have her pet passport and next summer she will be able to travel to Europe (that is if we are going). We haven't planned anything yet but better get the passport started as early as possible.
Below you fill find pictures that I took during September.
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